Emisil Compact STP

by Emisil


Tired of waiting in line to pee because cis guys have camped out in the stalls like it's their personal bathroom? Our most realistic-looking STP is remarkably easy to use. The Emisil Compact STP is small enough for packing and designed for easy one-hand use. 

  • Lightweight and leak-resistant
  • 100% body-safe silicone
  • Designed for one-hand use


- Shaft Length (from the top): 4 inches
- Girth: 4.7 inches


Hygienic and easy to clean with standard soap and water. It can be placed in boiling water or run through the dishwasher on the top rack for complete sterilization.

*A note for first-time users, we strongly recommend that you practice in the shower before attempting to use it in public. Even if you have had success with other STPs in the past, every STP is different and requires some getting used to. 

Customer Reviews

Based on 10 reviews
Maxellus Mansfield
Very cool

this is my first STP and it's pretty good, i haven't had any leaks so far and it's pretty easy to pack with too, and the realistic look is a plus for me. Is cool I like :]

Megan Griggs

Emisil Compact STP

Nate Walker
Great first stp!!

I use this at work mostly but I’ve had no issues with it. No leaks or anything! Gives me such gender euphoria to be able to pee standing up

Cia Neilson

love the shape and design. I love that the urethra opening is large, no old man slow dribble. easy to use and wear. my only comment , and it my well be just a personal thing, is that the 'bowl' size to 'shaft' length are out of proportion. I feel the 'bowl' could be smaller so the 'shaft' is longer. the over all length is fine, but we always want to be 'bigger', 'longer'.

best stp for your buck

this is my first STP and it was so easy to use the first time. you can let your stream flow naturally and it felt very natural to hold. the texture is not off-putting; very lifelike, good coloring.


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**Our Warehouse is moving which may cause an extra 3-4 days delay in fulfillment and delivery times until the end of August.

Please note that print-to-order apparel items, such as t-shirts, hoodies, etc... require additional processing time and will be shipped separately.


STP, Packer, Harness, Swimwear and Underwear sales are final. They cannot be exchanged or returned due to legal restrictions. Please consult size charts carefully; Sizes vary between brands. It's recommended to get accurate measurements taken by a pal. All other returns are issued as in-store credit only.

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