pStyle STP
by pStyle
$16.50The pStyle is like a tiny waterslide for your pee. It's also THE original camping STP and today remains one of the cheapest and easiest to use stand-to-pee devices. The pStyle is made of hard plastic so it's great for guys with less space between their thighs.
Unlike other non-prosthetic STPs out there, the pStyle’s PUD (personal urination device) intentionally does not use any gendered language on their products or packaging, so that trans masculine and gender non-conforming folks don't feel alienated or triggered.
The pStyle measures approximately 1.75 in (4.5 cm) tall, by 1.75 in (4.5 cm) wide by 7.5 in (19 cm) long.
Wash with soap and hot water. Dishwasher safe.
Place the widest part of the pStyle directly under your urethral opening. Angle the open end of the device slightly down, relax, and do your thing. The rounded back edge is used to wipe with so there are no drips. The pStyle can be cleaned with soap and water, wet wipes, or shaken vigorously and washed at the next convenient time. It is also dishwasher safe.
A note for first-time users, we strongly recommend that you practice in the shower before attempting to use in public. Even if you have had success with other STPs in the past, every STP is different and requires some getting used to.